Monday, May 22, 2006

rumblings (towards june!)

had a fit of organization today in an otherwise scattered month- being sick, getting used to having a baby around, working extra hours, etc. i have been run down and it's been pretty quiet but do you hear those rumblings folks? sounds like old abe is ready to run his mouth some more and june proves to be a real hum-dinger (whatever a hum-dinger is. sounds kinda dirty)

anyway here's what you and I have to look forward to in the next few weeks:

I'll turn 31 in about 48 hours.
Dolma will be one month old in 4 days.

On June 6th I will perform some music with Paul Giallorenzo and Brian Labycz.
On June 11th I will be reading poems at Myopic Bookstore w/Charles P. Ries
On June 21st Jessica and I will celebrate one year of marriage.

Poems will appear soon on the wordriot website
and in Over The Transom Magazine out of San Francisco.

and Pitchfork Press will be releasing three new titles
P-015 Poems For Toiling In Obscurity by Matthew Sheahan
P-012 To Kiss The Blood From Our Hands by Michael C Ford
P-017 Work In Process (Volume One) by Daniel Carter

So stayed tuned here folks for all the juicy details!!!!!

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